About The Publisher: Mary Pointer

Mary Pointer Image

Welcome to Macaroni KID Little Rock!

I grew up here and have raised my kids right here in Little Rock. I love this community, and most importantly, its people!

I am a mom to two teens and one young adult. I realize how quickly our time with our children flies. Macaroni KID Little Rock is a site for YOU—the busy parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles—who strive to make the moments you have with your kids special. As your Publisher, I am excited to be bringing this incredible resource back to Little Rock families.

I have been a long-time subscriber to the Macaroni KID newsletter. As a busy mom to little ones, I have always appreciated having an email sent directly to me with a list of local events for the week, as well as kid-approved recipes, fun crafts, and relevant parenting articles.

Macaroni KID also offers an online event calendar that is updated daily and available 24/7.

Our local community guides help you to know what is happening in our community. These guides and our directory of locally owned businesses help you to support our communities economy, and shop LOCAL!

Help us grow this FREE community resource by SUBSCRIBING to our newsletter today. Make sure to follow us on Facebook & Instagram for even more family resources.

If you need anything or want to see something featured, please don't hesitate to email me at marypointer@macaronikid.com.

Mary Pointer